Showing posts with label Weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weapons. Show all posts

December 18, 2013

Killer Drones

Killer Drones

Killer Drones
  Reapers over Afghanistan
Killer Drones
  Hermes 450 robots, which are 18ft long
Killer Drones
 A Reaper from 39 Squadron on its approach to Kandahar 

Killer Drones
 The pilotless craft fly above the battlefield for up to 14 hours

Killer Drones
 A Boeing ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicle
Killer Drones
Cockpit of Drones thousands of Kms away back in Britain

June 19, 2013

Some deadliest weapons you can make for yourself

Wrist-mounted crossbow: Wrist Augmentation
Wrist-mounted crossbow: Wrist Augmentation