November 10, 2013

Elephant gets shocked after its trunk is grabbed by a Crocodile at the water Hole

Elephant gets its trunk grabbed by a Crocodile at the water Hole 

Amusing pictures were captured in Zambia's South Luangwa National Park

Elephant-Crocodile Face off
 Elephant doesn't see the waiting crocodile at the peaceful watering hole 

Elephant-Crocodile Face off
The crocodile grabs hold of the elephant's trunk, but it soon becomes clear that he has bitten off a lot more than he can chew  

Elephant-Crocodile Face off
 Elephant soon escapes from the crocodile's jaws, but by the startled look on it's face you can tell he had a shock

Elephant-Crocodile Face off
Elephant gives the sneaky crocodile a fright to show him who's boss