August 28, 2013

Our Stunning Animal world

Our Stunning Animal World

the rare long-nosed Pinocchio anole
The rare long-nosed Pinocchio anole 

Our Stunning Animal  world

Lions getting soaked in the rain at the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Our Stunning Animal  world
A toad's eye emerging from a pond in his native Poland
Our Stunning Animal  world
A brown bear in the waters of Lake Kuril Kamchactka - Russia,caught a large salmon
Our Stunning Animal  world
A Leopard in action
Our Stunning Animal  world
a Dugong(sea-cow) in a shallow Egyptian bay
Our Stunning Animal  world
A predatory crocodile preying on a green Turtle in Costa Rica

Our Stunning Animal  world

A lone Wolf with its friemd a Grizzly bear 

Our Stunning Animal  world

A Deer Stag yawning in the early morning
A Mother Gorilla and her twins in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park

Animal World , Animal Pics ,Funny Animals